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Stonehenge, a place without exact history

Writer's picture: YuliyaYuliya

Updated: Feb 8, 2022

There is probably no one on earth who has never heard about this mysterious place full of rocks scattered around a field on Salisbury Plain in Wiltshire, England. Each rock is about 4 meters high and 2 meters wide. Stonehenge is said to be a British cultural icon which is visited by millions of people every year. Why was it constructed and, what is more importan, who decided to build this site? Keep on reading this article to see the main points of view of historians.


Historians and archaeologists claim it was constructed around 3000-1550 BC, although it is often said that the area was special for the humans inhabiting the place even before that! The construction of Stonehenge consisted of many phases which ended more likely in about 1600 BC. The last usage of it for specific reasons dates back to the Iron Age.


The only thing which is clear is that it was built by a civilization that didn't have any writing ability - there are no records left that could help us to understand a real purpose of Stonehenge. This secret has been discussed a lot and is still being researched by many historians and people.

One of the most famous versions is that Stonehenge was built for astronomical purposes - to predict lunar and solar eclipses. Others still claim people made this place for their religious objectives and rituals. The megaliths could also mean the burial place for the dead. Some scientists have suggested that each stone may signify a grave of an important person! Therefore, another purpose for the existence of Stonehenge can be the burial area for some notable and important people who lived in those times (e.g. tribal leader).

It is also believed by some historians that Stonehenge was used by Druids as a religious site. If it was true or not is debated to this day, but nowadays Druids gather every year on this place in the midsummer. In the 20th century, Stonehenge was seen again by many people (Neo-druids and neopagans in particular) as a place full of energy and since then it has been the location of their annual gatherings.

Each of the versions is deserved to be considered, but the final answer will be never reached. Stonehenge is the place with one of the most mysterious secrets on the planet... Maybe it is something that gives this area its special atmosphere and beauty?


A giant helps Merlin build Stonehenge
A giant helps Merlin build Stonehenge

Stonehenge is surrounded by many folk tales and myths. One of these is the Arthurian legend that says Stonehenge was brought from Ireland by the wizard Merlin and its stones were healing. As the stones were huge, Merlin asked some giants for help. That's how Stonehenge appeared on its place. Even though it is just a legend, a lot of scientists say it "has a grain of truth". This story appeared in the "History of the Kings of Britain" written by Geoffrey of Monmouth in the 12th century and has been adopted in other different variations of this legend.


Stonehenge is open to visitors but now it's prohibited to touch and climb up the stones because of the preserving purpose. It is possible to visit this place during the summer and winter solstice, and the spring and autumn equinox which are visited by thousands of tourists every year!

What version of the construction of Stonehenge do you believe more? Have you ever visited this place? If yes, how was it? Share in the comments!


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